Finish the work of steel and concrete in the world’s largest Statue of Unity
The technologies for thiskind of transformation of the health care system are availablenow in the form of cell phones, mobile broadband, remote monitoringdevices, telemedicine, videoconferencing, and the Internet.This list of basic technologies, moreover, is augmented by theadvanced features of smartphones, such as web browsing, andapplication development. The increasing sophistication of smartphoneshas given rise to a variety of new medical apps that helpdoctors and patients stay in touch and monitor health status andneeds.For example, a mobile application allows physicians toreceive test results on their mobile devices. They can examineblood pressure records over time, view an electrocardiogram, ormonitor a fetal heart rate. This capability allows them to detectconditions that place mother or fetus at risk.
likethose described make physicians more efficient and speed thedelivery of health care because physicians need not be in the physicalpresence of a patient to evaluate the patient.
If a personalconference is required, physicians can use videoconferencing tospeak to patients located in another locale.The improved patient care possible through mobile technologieshas already received research support. Work by MirelaPrgomet, Andrew Georgious, and Johanna Westbrook has foundthat mobile handheld devices have positive impacts on hospitalphysician work practices and patient care. When care providerswere equipped with such devices, researchers observed benefits interms of “rapid response, error prevention, and data managementand accessibility.”26 These benefits were especially profound inMOBILE TECHNOLOGY 13emergency room settings, where time is of the essence in achievinga good
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likethose described make physicians more efficient and speed thedelivery of health care because physicians need not be in the physicalpresence of a patient to evaluate the patient.
If a personalconference is required, physicians can use videoconferencing tospeak to patients located in another locale.The improved patient care possible through mobile technologieshas already received research support. Work by MirelaPrgomet, Andrew Georgious, and Johanna Westbrook has foundthat mobile handheld devices have positive impacts on hospitalphysician work practices and patient care. When care providerswere equipped with such devices, researchers observed benefits interms of “rapid response, error prevention, and data managementand accessibility.”26 These benefits were especially profound inMOBILE TECHNOLOGY 13emergency room settings, where time is of the essence in achievinga good
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Finish the work of steel and concrete in the world’s largest Statue of Unity
Reviewed by Devrajbhai Vasveliya
12:22 AM
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